Welcome Larches and Poplars

2nd March 2022

What a wet day we had to start off this new half-term!
Larches and Poplars however, just put their hoods up and got on with having a fun time.
We started off with a picture treasure hunt to introduce our new topic. Everyone enjoyed finding pictures of different animals -many of them, animals we might find in our woodland area. 

Poplars children helped to identity and name or sign the different animals they found.
Larches children named the animals and took turns to tell everyone what foods each animal ate. 
They then learnt 3 new words-carnivore, omnivore and herbivore. 
The children looked closely at their animal cards to see which foods each animal ate…and then used that information to sort their cards into carnivores, omnivores and herbivores…
Larches then divided into 3 groups to make a picture of either a carnivore, an omnivore or a herbivore.
The carnivore group chose a dragon fly, the omnivore group made a hedgehog and the herbivore group created a rabbit. 
We thought that the pictures were brilliant!
Both classes enjoyed exploring, and completing different activities…