Butterflies and caterpillars

6th June 2023

This half term, we are welcoming back Willows and Maples to Forest School. Both classes enjoyed different activities related to butterflies and caterpillars. We started their sessions  by looking at the life-cycle of a butterfly, ordering the pictures and learning new words including chrysalis and symmetrical.
We all had a go at making symmetrical butterfly pictures using natural resources. We were really impressed with how well the children worked on this…
We all had fun making chalk paint and Using it to paint large stones which were used to make a long and very colourful caterpillar…
Learning is fun in Forest School!
Firs helped to retell the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar, then helped to find hidden pictures from the story. They matched them up to the same picture on a base board
They also practiced their fine motor skills by threading elder tubes onto a pipe cleaner, to make their own little stick caterpillar. And made long caterpillar pictures with wood slices…
Great fun was had with water and the guttering this morning! We made a track to pour the water, and tried to move the plastic butterflies from the top, all the way down to the bowls at the bottom!