

Langley School is a primary-age special school for pupils with cognition and learning difficulties. The school caters for children aged 4 – 11. 

In order to ensure correct placement at Langley, senior staff will consider, 

    • * the wishes of the parents; 
    • * the Education, Health & Care Plan; 
    • * communication about the child with his/her current placement. 

 The school does not have a formal policy, as it is the LA that refers pupils to the school and determines the criteria for admission. The following steps are followed by the school: 

    • * The LA send paperwork (EHCP/Statement) for pupils referred from the placement panel.
    • * The Headteacher and Senor Learning Mentor read the paperwork and assess the suitability of placement at Langley School. 
    • * If the placement is likely to be suitable and further information is required, an observation of the pupil may be carried out, by a member of Langley school staff. 
    • * The reply slip is sent back to the LA to say whether the school is able to offer a place or not. Places are only offered if there is a vacancy within the appropriate class. 
    • * Parents are invited to visit the school if they have not already done so. 
    • * If parents are happy with the placement, then a formal offer of a place is made, and parents are requested to complete and sign the relevant paperwork. 
    • * The school keep an admissions register with all information on it. This is maintained by the Senior Leadership Team and the Office manager 
    • * Office staff and the School Nurse will support parents in completing the relevant school paperwork.