Summer’s out!

17th July 2024

Maples and Hollies had a great last session this week, doing lots of things they love! Both classes reflected last week about what they wanted to do, and each wish was granted!
Maples asked to make chalk paint so they could decorate the trees. They also wanted to use the screwdrivers, play with dinosaurs (we made a small world play area with logs, stones and tyres), do some mini beast hunting, and to play some Forest School games! We played hide and seek and had a brilliant time playing tug of war…another request from the group! What a busy and fabulous morning we had, enjoying all that the site has to offer.
Thank you to Maples class for a brilliant half term together…you have all been amazing to work with.
Hollies asked for a treasure hunt..with a prize! They had fun finding different pictures hidden around the site, writing down the letter on the reverse of each picture, and then working out the message at the end!
Good luck to our year 6 children who are leaving us this week. We know you’ve enjoyed your time in Forest School -some of you over many years. You will all be missed. 

Have a great summer everyone!