Breakfast Club


Parent/carer FAQ’s 

What is the new breakfast club offer? 

We are excited to be part of the government’s breakfast club early adopter scheme, which is funding universal breakfast clubs in up to 750 primary schools. From summer term 2025, free breakfast clubs will be available in early adopter schools, as part of a test and learn phase, so that the government can plan for a full national roll-out of universal breakfast clubs in primary schools.   

As part of the offer, Langley will offer 30 minutes of childcare alongside a free breakfast. The club is open to all pupils from reception to Year 6.  

How long will this last for? 

The scheme will run from summer term 2025 until at least the end of Spring term 2026. The government is still making decisions about the timing of a full national rollout.  

Why is the government doing this? 

Breakfast clubs will ensure every child, no matter their circumstances, can achieve their full potential by providing a supportive start to the day. Breakfast clubs offer much more than just food; they can serve as a welcoming space for children, providing valuable opportunities for them to play, learn, and socialise at the beginning of the school day.   

Will the new free breakfast clubs be in every primary school from summer term 2025? 

No, only schools that have been selected to be part of the early adopter scheme will be funded by the Government from April. The government has announced its intention for every state-funded primary school to offer a free breakfast club and will announce further details on that at a later date.  

Is the club free for my child to attend? 

Yes – the club is free to attend from 8:15am.   

What can my child expect from the club? 

Your child will be given breakfast and will be supervised whilst they eat during the breakfast club. There will be activities such as craft, small world play. 

What food will you serve to my child at the breakfast club?  

Your child will be offered a nutritious breakfast during the breakfast club. This will include fruit, toast, yogurts maybe the occasional pastry! All food offered will be compliant with School Food Standards.   

My child has an allergy or dietary requirement, how will you ensure that this is accommodated? 

The safety of food allergies, food intolerance or Coeliac Disease attending breakfast clubs is a priority. If your child has an allergy or dietary requirement you must make us aware of this so it can be managed safely. We will provide parents and carers with the allergenic ingredients used in the foods available.   

If your child/children have an individual healthcare plan, this should clearly define what constitutes an emergency and explain what to do, including ensuring that all relevant staff are aware of emergency symptoms and procedures  

Should any updates be needed to be shared with school, parents can contact Miss Parkes who will hep you to fill in the required information. 

What time will the club start? 

The free breakfast club will begin at 8:15am.  

What time will the club end? 

The free breakfast club will end at 8:50, as the school day begins. Your child will be taken to their classroom for the start of the school day.  

Do I need to book a place for my child? 

The club is open to all children from reception to year 6.  However, we do need prior notice of attendance in order to ensure the club can be run with the right number of staff, so parents/carers who wish to book a place for their child/children must contact the school for further details about how to book this. 

My child is on transport – can they still attend? 

Yes, your child can attend, however, they will need to be bought to school by parents/carers. The transport arrives at school for the start of the school day, not in time for the club.