Pumpkins and tools

3rd November 2021

Oaks class were first out this week, and we welcomed two new classes out in Forest School…Willows and Maples. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed using tools to investigate pumpkins of all different shapes and sizes. The younger children used screwdrivers and hammers and the older ones had a go at using a hand drill and hacksaws too-they also drilled through conkers and nailed  them onto the pumpkins.
Everyone was thoroughly engrossed in this activity, which was so good for developing and practicing  fine motor skills and for using all of the muscles in the arms. We saw so much determination, independence and focus!
Oaks had a fabulous time exploring different activities and playing together…they collected and threaded leaves, made smelly potions using different herbs, did a magic show on the Forest School stage, tried out the new pallet sofa and hunted for exciting things with magnifying glasses!
Maples used inspiration from some pictures of Mandala patterns, to make their own beautiful pictures using natural resources…
They also really enjoyed bug hunting, using the pulleys and balancing.
Willows also made some super patterns, as well as a bit of climbing, mixing, exploring and investigating a ladybird we found on our work table!